Estoy dibujando un nuevo serie de cómic en el periódico local español en Montreal... Recoger una copia, o leer todo en aqui! // I'm drawing a new comic series in Montreal's local Spanish newspaper... Grab a copy, or read it all online here!
New comic mural @ Bairo Pite Free Clinic in Dili, Timor-Leste (East Timor). 1x8 meters. Painted out front on the Malnourished Children's Ward. Thanks to Biscuit & Black (from Gembel) & Yohan (from Bibi Bulak) for helping w/ the colors... & all the lovely kids, patients, & staff for the positivity! ////Ami pinta didin iha Klinka Bairo Pite iha Dili... Tamaño 1x8 m. Iha fatin ne'ebé labarik sira ne'ebé Sofre Malnutrisaun Baixa. Obrigadu ba Maun Bizkit no Maun Black husi Gembel, no Maun Yohan husi Bibi Bulak, ne'ebé ajuda enxe kór, no mós ba labarik sira no inan-aman sira hotu ne'ebé hatudu sira-nia positividade mai ami!
We spent all week in comic-making workshops @ Gembel Art Collective here in Dili, Timor-Leste... The young folks in my class worked really hard to complete this story about a sad rooster & a happy fish! Probably East Timor's first ever all-original comic zine! Photocopy + spray-paint stenciled covers. Have a read-thru here... It's in Tetum w/ English subtitles. Great job, y'all!
Following the China dates, the Mini Pop-Up Musicomix Medicine Show is coming to Indonesia & East Timor!! If you have friends or family in these areas, tell them to come out. Live original songs accompanied by live original comics via sequential projection! It's gonna be real special...
@ The Onion Collective, 8pm SAT, MAR 19 - DILI, TIMOR LESTE
@ Miaow, 9pm - in Bidau Licidere
"I hitch-hiked from the east coast to the west coast (of Florida)... and all you got was this crummy cardboard comic!"
Little portraits & vignettes of each spontaneous chauffeur, drawn on the backs of my destination signs. Rollerball + sharpie + white-out + duct tape + cardboard. This particular adventure actually happened a few years back; I just got around to assembling the art now.
I have met some of the most interesting people while hitch-hiking...